Put your clarinet down for a minute...

It wasn't until I was in my late 20's that things changed. I made my first pitch. I'd worked up the nerve to ask a donor to help me fund a chamber music concert of music I'd always dreamt of performing. Despite the daunting ask, my belief in the vision of this project was greater than any anxiety I had - and after weeks of going back and forth asked for a meeting.

I got the funding! Believe me, the delivery wasn't smooth and effortless, but the vision was clear and the donor was on board!

Since then, and numerous pitches later, I've learned the power of being able to communicate and tell a story. Even a story that hasn't yet happened, that is still a dream, can be compelling.

Flash forward to today: If I had a nickel for every time a clarinet student has put down their clarinet in a lesson and said… “Actually… I have a question… How do I build a website?" Or maybe it’s… “Do I need a website?”

Whenever questions like this come up it's such a big reminder again how important it is to develop a comprehensive skill set (beyond ensemble music and excerpts)! And how critical career development support is - beyond understanding the "business" of music.

What if you were to put your clarinet down for a minute, get creative and think about things like:

  • Who am I?
  • What do I want the world to know about me?
  • What design elements would make people feel the way I want them to feel when they land on my website?
  • How can I organize and write about my experiences to paint the story of why I am qualified?
  • How can I show my ideas to the world?

Thinking about these things is JUST as important as how you play the clarinet – you must embrace all aspects of what a life in music means. And part of a life in music is promoting yourself and applying to jobs!

That’s why I believe in programs like the Portfolio Challenge!

It's a packet of resources with recorded and live lessons to give you the support you need to create and/or improve your CV, resume, bio, digital presence, websites, make a pitch or presentation, do an interview or negotiate a fee or contract.

You’re in the right place if you’re a:

  • professional looking to improve your materials or help your students do the same
  • pre-professional embarking on your musical career post-graduation, figuring out how to position yourself and your ideas
  • undergrad/grad student who is ready to start building and improving upon these materials
  • lifelong learner who is ready to hear from incredible guests and get accountability and support

If you’re wondering how it works, you just do 3 easy things:

  1. Join the challenge for $49 with a couple of clicks
  2. Download the lessons on MWF and come to the events/watch the replays
  3. Take the action steps to transform your portfolio and advance your career with support from us!

Yes, you've got to work on your articulation AND your resume! It’s a balancing act in music, but, we’re here to help you in ALL the ways we can. And we can't wait to see how it pays off for you!

Enroll in the Portfolio Challenge! Deadline is SUNDAY, May 12 @ 11:59pm!

Much love,

Ixi, Ted & Nick

p.s. We're excited to present some exciting guest speakers who will undoubtedly inspire you! Keep your eyes here for more information on who they are and what they'll talk about :)


We will be sending two more emails (Friday and Sunday) about the Portfolio Challenge, something we wholeheartedly believe you as a clarinet (and all musicians) need. If you want to skip the next 2 emails (and return to our regularly scheduled Wednesday goodness) click here! No questions asked :)

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The Digital Clarinet Academy has become the most trusted place to take your clarinet skills to the next level with world-class digital content and virtual training. Co-directed by professional clarinetists Ixi Chen and Dr. Tiffany Valvo, our mission is to bring you incredible resources, empower you on your musical path and connect you with clarinetists from around the world. More


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Hi, I’m a creator

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