Demystifying your website 💫

This week, we're getting the message out about the 2024 edition of the Portfolio Challenge. It starts next Monday, and we're teaching a mini-series today, Friday, Saturday and Sunday with lessons you can use to amp up your materials.

(If you aren't into it, click the square above and you'll be removed from the series! You'll return to the normal Monday newsletters).

On to the first (1/5) lesson!

LESSON 1: Demystifying the website

It’s hard to tell you the number of times a student has put down their instrument in a lesson and said… “Actually… I have a question… How do I build a website? Or maybe it’s… “Do I need a website?”

To be fair, great questions! Building a website that represents the story of who you are can be impactful and quite critical to building your career (plus it can be a lot of fun)! But… if you’re trying to throw it together quickly or are just trying to check the boxes you can easily inadvertently leave a bad impression.

What if you were to get creative and think about things like:

  • Who am I?
  • What do I want the world to know about me?
  • What design elements would make people feel the way I want them to feel when they land on my website?
  • How can I encourage people take an action once they’re on my website (like, signing up for a trial lesson or getting in touch with me)

We’ve got a resource for you today to get your imagination flowing that's full of tools to help you:

  • Build your website or landing page
  • Explore branding & design
  • Understand organization & management tool options to get your life in order

Download the Tools and Resources PDF

The distilled question of ALL of this is: how can you present your authentic self to the world, whether that’s with your website, CV, writing, and more?

This stuff is SO CRUCIAL! But, we often skip it, or end up throwing things together, because... well, time.

As you know, we're here to help you develop ALL aspects of who you are... so we designed the Portfolio Challenge! (Also - if you remember that survey a few weeks ago, SO many of you replied that you want and need this!)

So - you ready to create materials that you're proud of and that show the world a beautiful story of who you are?! It's time to gain some clarity and take action!

Starting May 13, every Monday, Wednesday and Friday for 5 weeks you’ll get a lesson to help you:

  • gain clarity of purpose
  • create an elevator speech
  • write and refine your bio
  • learn to tell a story through your resume
  • master the art of writing a CV
  • write a cover letter, teaching or artist statement and email pitch
  • expand your digital presence
  • learn the basics of building a website
  • use social media to support your work

Plus, you'll hear from us and some incredible guests! We want to see you make progress on your portfolio and HAVE FUN! That’s what we’re gonna do. :)

Questions? Reply to this email!

Much love,

Nick, Ixi, & Ted

p.s. We're all about helping you thrive! Read more about that in this post 💜

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Music 360 is a career hub for musicians. All of our resources, programs, and work with you are centered on our belief that in order to grow sustainably and intentionally, you must address the many layers of who you are: an artist, human, entrepreneur, creative and so much more.


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Hi, I’m a creator

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